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Group Chat Starts 10pm Eastern Time / 9pm Central Time

Chat Rules

1) Everyone will show respect for their fellow Chatters in This and other Chat Rooms at all times.

2) Be aware that transcripts and private messages can be read by Administrators only, BUT will only be read if a problem is reported.

3) Anyone causing arguments or problems will be warned and given a explanation. If warning is ignored, that chatter will lose their chat privileges.

4) There will be no explicit sex talk or foul language allowed within the Chat Room.

5) We ask that lurking within the Chat Room be kept to a minimum

6) Please report any unwelcome Private messages to Administrators.

Registration Instructions

1) Click in the chat box area that says "Click here to join the conversation"

2) A registration box will pop up. Click on "Register"

3) Fill out the registration information

4) Ignore this pop-up. Click on the "X"

Tip: Make Your Screen Bigger


1) Click on the "expander" icon

2) A new window will pop-up. Click to expand it. You shoud now have a larger chat window.

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